Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that Facebook can be used? What are the benefits of Facebook to society? Be specific. Is there a "dark side"?

          It has been about 15 years since Mark Zuckerberg launched FACEBOOk. Facebook has changed many people's life style. most of people check there Facebook first when they wake up. Also, It's not surprise when people miss their friend's birthday and saying "You should update your birthday on the Facebook, that's only way we can recognize birthday in 21st century" what about business side? they use Facebook usefully as well since Facebook has added many functions for many years (Facebook Search: Facebook adding search feature). Let's see how they can use Facebook and talk about it's beneficiary and downside.
          Commercially they use Facebook, it's easy to find some Facebook page post really nice food on the Facebook. Many small food businesses, they pay for the advertising or they invite people and serve great meal for free. 
          Facebook has such a great date tool. They collect all the data's from their users and sell it or utilize it. It is not surprise anymore that you searched up new laptop on the google and when you go to Facebook. They might have laptop commercial on the main advertising page. 

          Are they beneficial? They are beneficial for main purpose. Many people communicate through Facebook and create many small communities on the Facebook. It's nor surprise people search Facebook plea market on the Facebook group page. like this Facebook made community really active. 

          What is downside? There are too many scams on the Facebook. According to NBC2, there has been multi-millions dollars scams on the Facebook. People are vulnerable in the Facebook. All their information is on the Facebook and they can post and change the information whatever they want (NBC2 Investigators).  

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